Cositas Bellas y algo mas

Body Cream [Homemade]

Body Cream [Homemade]

Product Code: CB001
Brand: Cositas Bellas
Product Condition: New

$6.00 inc. tax

Body Cream [Homemade] Summary

Distilled Water, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, E-wax, Stearic Acid, Optiphen, Arrowroot Powder, Tocopherol T-50 Natural, Fragance.
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 Customer Reviews

3 review(s) posted (write review)
huelen rico 5 product stars
"se las recomiendo la de vainilla y lavanda y la de jasmin dejan la piel muy suavesita" Carmen - Monday, July 13, 2020
Rose-Vanilla Butter Cream 5 product stars
"This is by far the best moisturizer I've ever put on my body! It feels like a $100 product quality for less than $10. It keeps my dry skin super hydrated and smelling like FRESH ROSES all ay long! Thank you very much." Vanessa Rivera - Wednesday, July 1, 2020
BODY BUTTER - DELICIOUS! 5 product stars
"Better than body cream, its body butter, smells so good and creamy I recommend seller has many fragrances available but for some reason only one appears. Very good price reasonable shipping charges, my favorite store from now on." Gioconda U - Monday, June 29, 2020
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